About Us
Tangale youth foundation is an indigenous non-profit community-based organization in northeastern State of Gombe that came about in 2012 when few youths mainly practising physicians fresh from Youth service agreed that the level the health system has deteriorated is unacceptable and decided to augment government effort by organizing periodic free medical outreaches in rural and hard to reach communities in northeastern Nigeria.
These group of physicians started by using their savings to buy drugs and support logistics but at different points have been able to partner with other organizations which include; SE Onukogu Foundation registered in the US, Gombe State Government; Association of Resident Doctors(ARD) -Gombe State chapter; Tangale Community Development Association among others. The Medical outreaches has always been used as platforms for community health education.
Over 7000 patients have been treated so far in various communities which include Tal, Poshiya, Bam Bam, Karel, Cham, Baganje; Dadiya and Todi community all in the Northeastern Nigeria.
Our Vision
To be a model community based organization in sub Saharan Africa.
Our Mission
Our Mission is to improve the quality of life of the vulnerable population in Nigeria through Health projects, education and support for sustainable livelihood.
Opp Mai Tangales Palace,Poshiya Billiri, Gombe State